
服務地區: (限大台北地區)
  1. 水電工程、水電器材、土木工程、冷凍設備、環保工程、辦公大樓、家電維修、防水測漏,商場.別墅.居家空調規劃設計安裝,以及老舊機型空調改善規劃和新舊主機買賣,並定期保養'維護、檢修等服務。
  2. 批發,零售各廠牌冷氣、空調、中央系統、住家廠房、 辦公大樓、水冷氣冷箱型機、中央系統冰水機、 分離式、崁入式、冷卻水塔、配管配電、  送風機組、風管工程保養、施工、保養、灌冷煤  各廠牌 中古內湖安裝、冷氣移機、冷氣保養、灌冷煤                               
  3. 內湖4門2門冷凍櫃、冷藏冰箱、冷凍冰箱保養、灌冷煤保養、灌冷煤
Air conditioning units, hydropower engineering system repair, maintenance, and installation.  We strive to provide customers professional and high quality services.  Our number one goal is to ensure that our customers are happy with our service.  We will be happy to work with you in designing a system that is right for your needs.

Service area: Taipei city

Our services:
  1. Air conditioning units repair, maintenance, and installation
  2. Buy and sell air conditioning units
  3. Refrigerant refill
  4. Fix all kinds of leaking
  5. Pipeline blockage removal