
Replacement rear suspension disc
Replacement rear suspension disc
Replacement rear suspension disc
Replacement rear suspension disc
Replacement rear suspension disc

Replacement rear suspension disc

Sale $ 4 USD

3.7 EUR
3.1 GBP
636 JPY
130 TWD

Replacement rear suspension disc

When pulling the bike while folded, the tip of rear suspension block can easily rub against the ground. As a result, this plastic piece is prone to accelerated wear. Yet this piece is sold by Brompton only as a package together with the suspension block. We have made this plastic piece available by itself at an reasonable price.

Made from POM engineering plastic by CNC machining.

Please note the centre bolt, which does not wear quickly, is not included. You will need to re-use the bolt from your existing suspension setup.  The photos show how the disc look with the factory bolt fitted. 

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