
台灣國際醫療暨健康照護展 今(16)日開展媒合健康醫療跨界商機



Medical Taiwan Kicks Off on June 16,Highlighting Cross-field Healthcare Biz Opportunities

新冠疫情爆發之初,世界各國積極防堵並尋求解方方案,運用新興科技研發各 During the period of uncertainty in which the covid-19 pandemic first broke

式預防、檢測及监控的醫材,時至今日,全球朝向與疫共存,防疫落實於生活,更 out,countries actively searched for preventive measures and solutions by

成為了生活。外貿協會主辦的「台灣國際醫療暨健康照護展(Medical Taian)」 applying innovative technologies and various preventive. inspective and medical

今(16)日起至18日連三天於台北南港展覽2館展出,主打疫情之下的生活革新 monitoring devices to combat the new.invisible threat. Over to years into the


pandemic.the world is now seeking ways to co-exist with the virus.

外貿協會攜手台灣數位健康產業發展協會打造「健康生活,新日常(New Medical Taiwan, hosted by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council


(TAITRA,kicked off today.lt will be hosted for three days at the Taipei Nangang

Exhibition Center Hall 2, and for two weeks (June 9-23,2022) for the online


hybrid edition The exhibition displays the lifesty le revolutions brought on by the

橫跨個人健康管理、科技防疫、遠距看診、智慧監測、照護輔具領域,實際模擬居 pandemiccombining manufacturing.healthcare.textile.chemical engineering.

家空間與醫院環境,真實呈現各項產品的落地應用,讓參觀者身歷其境感受科技結 and ICT industriess and promotes a platform to encourage networking across

合健康的生活樣貌。 different sectors.

明(17)日舉辦「eodheMdech醫大未來」以未來」 The exhibition's "New Heaithcare, New Lifestyle” pavilion is a collaborative

題,邀請到醫院端、科技端、新創端專家代表剖析智慧醫療、遠距醫療及疫情所帶 effort between TAITRA and the Taiwan Intelligence Healthcare Association

給醫療產業的挑戰與機會,全球知名醫療產業調研機構Fliv highlighting 19 products from 14 well-known brands.such as asus.Wistron,


Acer MSlWellell, Makalot Taiwan Champ,and Asiatic Fiber. These products

include personal health management, virus prevention technologies. telemedicine.

冒險精神為名,成就一段經濟起飛的時代,然而也必需面對企業進入世代交替的轉 smart monitoring.and assistive devices all presented in a simulated athome and

型期,彰濱秀傳醫院及敏盛醫療體系將分享二代接班的創新經營管理之道,分享如 hospital environment.


The long-awaited "Beyond the Medtech' industry forum opens tomorrow.

健康是生活中的重要資本,充足的營養、正常的作息與適當的運動是保存健康 June 17.where experts from hospital management, technology and startup

資本的不二法門,展中設「置智慧生理測量站」,提供參觀者測驗平衡、握力、腿力、 backgrounds focus on the future of smart healthcare and telemedicine and on

肌肉量四大項目,不僅可評估自身的肌力狀態,找出健康訓練的方式,參加體驗活 the challenges and opportunities brought on by the pandemic to the heathcare

動還能獲得台灣國際醫療暨健康照護展限量口罩,為自身防疫加分 industry.In addition a speaker from the globally-renowned Frost& Sulivan

is also offering insights on future trends and opportunities in the intelligent

今年展覽採線上線下Hbrd出,實體展覽搭配期2週的線上展覽,同 digital heathcare industry. Lastly,second-generation leaders in the hospital

見訊採購洽談會、LiveTr直及國體導覽等多元活 management and healthcare enterprises wil also share innovative management

與業者持續深化國際鏈結,開拓商機 practices and insights into advocating for a smooth leadership transition period.



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